September 24, 2010

Video Interview : Hugh Hendry, The Most Eccentric Hedge Fund Manager

Fantastic video interview with my favourite money manager, the eccentric Hugh Hendry.

Part I

Part II

Part III

1 comment:

Daniel Rodger said...

While I am not knocking Hedge Funds, the contradictions in Hugh Hendry's arguments indicate to me he is morally confused. On the one hand he says 'what is just'? Then he makes value judgements like saying 'bailing out the banks is abhorrent'. In what way is it abhorrent? Is it abhorrent because it is unjust? If so, then he has answered his own question about 'what is just'? He finds it in his own conscience. We are faced with moral choices all the time. But because we are sinners we allow other imperatives to take precedence over a moral imperative. We are all inextricably linked to one another whether you accept it or not. Hedge Funds are not islands. What do you think?