December 27, 2009

Where To Put Your Money In 2010

Bespoke Investment Group asked some professional financial bloggers where will they invest their money in 2010 and here are the answers:

Starting with 100% cash, how would you allocate it to various asset classes to start the new year?

A Dash of Insight: I see this as a good time for stocks, so give that a plus 10% or so from whatever is the starting point. If you are normally 55% in stocks, this year should be 65%. The main alternative is corporate bonds and financial preferreds. These still have nice yields. You have to watch carefully if the Fed starts to raise rates.

Crossing Wall Street: 100% stocks.

Financial Armageddon: As follows: 60% Treasury bills, 25% bearish stock market ETFs, and 15% gold.

Vix and More: My 2010 allocation is overweight in all types of commodities and emerging market equities, as well as underweight in U.S. Treasuries and cash.

Investment Postcards: Gold 10%, Government bonds 6%, Real estate 10%, Equities 50%, Cash 24%.

World Beta: We follow a tactical approach that trades equities, bonds, real estate, commodities, and currencies. It trades dynamically, and while currently fully invested (and short the dollar), that can change very quickly.

Its a big surprise for me that most blogers had a mainstream, institutional answer. But these are not the best trading blogs and you probably know a few that are better...

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