January 14, 2010

Marc Faber: Looming Sovereign Debt Crisis

Marc Faber was interviewed today on Yahoo Finance TECH Ticker and he expressed his concerns over a looming sovereign debt crisis:

"After every financial crisis there's a sovereign debt crisis, Marc Faber says. Countries that borrowed too much during the boom times start struggling to pay their competitors back, and eventually some of them default.

The countries most likely to blow up this time around are the "PIIGS": Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain. One ore more of them, Faber says, will likely default in the next couple of years. And, that could result in the death of the Euro currency.

Longer-term, Faber says, Japan and the US are in line for the same fate.

The US crisis won't hit us this year or next year. But within 5-10 years, the United States will be forced to quietly default on its debt, most likely by printing money and destroying the value of the currency."
in Yahoo Finance

Marc Faber called the March bottom on the S&P 500 Index on Bloomberg TV and he is now turning bearish on the stock market.

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